Loofah Miso Noodles
Four great dishes for longevity and happiness in life - Luffa Miso Noodles
Ingredients: Luffa, shredded ginger, wolfberry, organic three treasure buckwheat noodles
Sauces: white miso, red miso, mirin, perilla seed oil
Cooking method:
1. Peel the loofah and cut into pieces. Blanch the noodles in hot water and set aside.
2. Heat the pan with perilla seed oil, add shredded ginger and saute until fragrant, add loofah and stir-fry.
3. After the loofah becomes soft, add boiling water, cover the pot and simmer, then turn off the heat.
4. Use "Miso as salt", add white miso, red miso, seasoning, add a little mirin, sprinkle with wolfberry and serve.