Happy Sweet Miso Soup
The Four Great Dishes to Propose Great Joy and a Happy Life - Happy and Delicious Miso Soup
Ingredients: onions, flat tofu, kelp sprouts, green onions
Sauces: white miso, red miso, mirin
Cooking method:
1. Dice the onion and cut the tofu into small pieces and set aside.
2. Heat a pot of hot water, dice the onions and cook until translucent.
3. Adding "tofu" can make the soup richer and more delicious.
4. After the ingredients are cooked, turn off the heat, add white miso & red miso 1:1, stir and dissolve in the soup, and adjust the intensity according to your personal taste.
5. After the pot is cooked, add the "kelp sprouts", sprinkle with chopped green onion, and serve.
*The key to the deliciousness of happy miso soup: use miso as salt, and use red and white miso together
*Pour some "mirin" on top to bring out the sweet and rich flavor of the soup
*Adding "salmon/clams" can make the soup richer and sweeter